
The LIBER Architecture Group website provides access to documents produced on the occasion of its biennial seminars:
– Proceedings published in LIBER Quarterly (1996-2004)
– The series Documentation of the new library buildings in Europe based on an extensive questionnaire with more than 70 items. It was published in print from 2000 to 2014. The 2014 volume marks the end of print era. The 2016 volume is also available as a ready-to-print pdf.

The  2012, 2014 and 2016 volumes were produced using a database derived from   questionnaire data, plans and photographs, and this  was the starting point for the current website.

Here you can find some of the last PDF documents produced on the occasion of LIBER LAG biennial seminars.

Documentation 2016

English (20.78 MB - application/pdf)

Documentation 2014

English (29.44 MB - application/pdf)

Documentation 2012

English (24.78 MB - application/pdf)

On-line resources

Designing Libraries, a Community Interest Company, is a freely accessible resource for everyone interested in design and innovation in libraries.  It is a gateway to the world of libraries and a source of information, inspiration and ideas on all aspects of the design and use of library spaces.    Its aim is to help spread good practice by acting as an accessible source of information and ideas for those undertaking refurbishment or new build projects or with an interest in the future shape of library services.

Library Planet, launched in December 2018, is a crowdsourced blog and travel guide to the world of libraries – a Lonely Planet for libraries.  It is the brainchild of Danish librarians, Christian Lauersen and Marie Engberg Eiriksson.  Travellers share descriptions and photos of libraries they have visited for others to read and add to.